Sunday, January 23, 2011

Selecting Rugs to Fit a Theme

In the world of interior decorating, few design elements are as versatile as the rug. Rugs are at home everywhere - from humble, country kitchens to grand, neo-classical entryways. Rugs bring warmth, comfort, and color to bare floors and add new life to lackluster rooms and hallways. Whether you're decorating a brand new home, or remodeling your lived-in bungalow, rugs are an easy, affordable way to add charm, character, and style to any room.

When some people think about decorating, they imagine hordes of furniture, gallons of paint, and an endless array of curtain swatches and wallpaper samples. Furniture and color schemes certainly play an important role in creating a total look, but they're not the only element of interior design.

Some home decorators overlook rugs and don't yet realize that rugs are a highly fashionable and flexible decorative element. Using a rug that complements the other elements of your room can really transform your living space. It's also a lot more fun than lugging around cans of paint when you're looking for a quick way to change the flavor of a room!

There are many ways to decorate with rugs. The best way to get started is to think about the look and feel you want for the end result. Maybe a bright fruit or floral motif to open up a stuffy kitchen, or perhaps a classic gold and crimson Persian medallion rug would add the final touch of elegance to a formal dining room.
Using rugs as part of a theme is one of the most satisfying (and easiest!) ways to spruce up a room. If your living room has Southwestern furniture and/or art, then a complementary Navajo or Southwestern style rug helps to carry the design elements throughout the entire room. If a child's room has carnival colors, a modern polka dot rug adds to the overall look and feel. It's easy to find rugs for almost any theme and these rugs offer more than just color and shape.

If you're thinking about a rug to enhance a certain theme, the first step is to decide what your "official" theme is. That might sound silly, but with some decorating styles, a theme could be hard to pinpoint. If the room has an obvious theme, narrowing down the rug choices becomes far easier.

If a room's theme isn't well defined, you can pin it down by looking at the elements (furniture, art, etc.) of the room and finding common aspects. Ask yourself a few questions: Which colors are most noticeable? What patterns or designs stand out? Does the room have a classical feel or more of a contemporary feel? Are there antiques and/or curios in view? Does the room remind you of a serene country setting or more of an urban locale? Hey, maybe it's not so hard after all!

Even if you're not able to clearly identify a theme, you'll still be able to select the right rug(s). Think about your responses to the questions above and pick a rug that matches or complements the more noticeable elements of the room.

You can also create a different look/feel in a room by using a rug that draws attention to itself or a nearby object. An eye-catching color or bold design will surely get noticed. On the other hand, a rug with a subtle design or a soft hue does not detract from other items.

As you think about how the aspects of a rug (color, pattern, size, and texture) help contribute to the overall effect, you'll realize that your decorating palette has no limits!

Reflecting back on our earlier examples, if your home has a Southwestern style, a Navajo or Southwestern-inspired rug is just right for that bare spot in front of the fireplace or the open area near the entryway. 

Likewise, if you have a comfy, down-home country kitchen, a cheerful floral or fruit patterned accent rug will add new life to that space.

Whatever your taste or desire, you can achieve any look you want with the wide variety of rug styles that are available. Decorating with your favorite styles of rugs is a satisfying way to achieve first-rate designer results.

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